Dr.Qiu Jiang is an Associate Professor of Materials and Energy at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC). He obtained his Ph.D. at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in 2019 followed by a post-doctoral at University of Cambridge. In 2021 he joined he joined Prof. Chuan xia’s group at UESTC. His research interests focus on developing methods for controlled synthesis of two-dimensional materials, understanding their fundamental properties, and surface modifications of those materials for energy storage and conversion applications. In the recent five years, as the first author/co-firstauthor, he has published 14 papers in prestigious journals such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, NanoEnergy etc., among which 2 are ESI highly citedpapers. He was the guest editorof Frontier in Nanotechnology, Fronter in Chemistry and Nanomaterials. He isalso an active reviewer for many refereed journals, including Advanced Functional Materials, Carbon, Nanomaterials, Energies, Sensors etc.