Chuan Xia obtained his Ph.D. at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in 2018 followed by a post-doctoral Fellowship at Harvard university and Rice university, USA. In 2020 he joined UESTC, where he initiated an active research group focusing on developing methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials, understanding their fundamental properties, and utilizing such structures to develop novel catalysts that can be applied in the areas of electrocatalysis, energy generation, storage, and conversion. He is the author of 50+ refereed journal articles, and has 3 issued USA patents. In the recent five years, as the first author/corresponding author, he has published more than 20 papers in prestigious journals such as Science, Nat. Energy, Nat. Catal., Nat. Chem., among which 9 are ESI highly cited papers and 2 are hot papers. He has won the KAUST outstanding Ph.D. Student Award (2016), J. Evans Attwell-Welch postdoctoral fellowship (2019), best applied paper award of AIChE (2020). He was the guest editor of Fronter in Chemistry. He is also an active reviewer for many refereed journals, including Nature sisters, Advanced Materials and its sisters, JACS, Angewandte Chemie, EST, ACS Catalysis, Chemistry of Materials, Nano Letter, Energy Storage Materials.